For developers and software publishers of active content, code signing reduces error messages and builds trust in your reputation. VeriSign® Code Signing Certificates for Microsoft® Authenticode® authenticate your identity and validate code integrity.
Digitally sign 32-bit and 64-bit user-mode (.exe, .cab, .dll, .ocx, msi, and .xpi files) and kernel-mode software Show customers that your code and content is safe to download Protect your brand and your reputation with a trusted digital signature Reduce the cost of maintaining code with a free timestampDigital Shrink Wrap to Protect Your Brand VeriSign® Code Signing Certificates provide a virtual “shrink wrap” for secure delivery of content over the Internet. When customers download software signed with Authenticode® Technology and verified by VeriSign, they can be assured of the content source and the content integrity. Code Signing adds a level of trust to your applications and makes them harder to falsify or damage, protecting your brand and your intellectual property. Learn more: 5 Reasons for Code Signing.
Increase Customer Confidence with Fewer Security Warnings When Internet Explorer, Exchange, Outlook®, or other Microsoft programs encounter unsigned executables, a security warning disrupts the user or content simply fails to load. To prevent disruption, publishers who use ActiveX® controls, plug-ins and other executables should sign their code using Authenticode Technology and a VeriSign Code Signing Certificate for Microsoft Authenticode. Learn more: How Code Signing Works.
Make the Most of Your Code Signing Investment With VeriSign Code Signing Certificates, developers select a platform, a validity period and install the certificate on their desktop or a portable device such as a USB drive. A timestamp option shows when code was signed, allowing customers to verify that the code signing certificate was valid at the time of the digital signature. VeriSign is a trusted provider of digital certificates for Microsoft Windows® Logo programs. Learn more about Code Signing for Microsoft Developers.